2025 Grant Applications  – Now Open


Subject to funding being available, Ilfracombe Town Council is committed to providing assistance and support to local community groups which are set up to promote community life for Ilfracombe residents.

The Council’s financial support is provided by way of Grants which are decided against criteria set by, and which can be amended from time to time by, Ilfracombe Town Council.

Ilfracombe Town Council is committed to following best practice in grant giving in order to provide sustainable funding and support to voluntary and community groups, whilst providing value for money for local taxpayers and ensuring that public money is spent in a responsible manner. In order
for this Council to be able to assess applications rationally and objectively, many of which will inevitably be totally dissimilar in content, it is both necessary and helpful to assess all applications received against a range of criteria.

These are designed to be a general indication of need but are not exclusive and can be flexibly applied. The Town Council’s Policy on Community Grants is based on the principle of promoting the development of partnerships, which encourage and enable local community organisations to deliver local projects to the residents of Ilfracombe.

In general, the following principles apply:

  • Assistance will be given on the basis of need, merit and contribution to the local community
  • Applicants must clearly show how any assistance given will benefit the people living in Ilfracombe
    or will benefit the environment of Ilfracombe
  • Any assistance given will be subject to ongoing monitoring and subsequent evaluation of the
    outcome of the grant
  • Organisations should not make a presumption that funding will continue on a year to year basis

The Aims of the Council

Ilfracombe Town Council provides grant funding to support the following aims:

To Promote and Encourage Pride in Ilfracombe through:
a) Active citizenship
b) Community Involvement
c) Fostering local talent and skills
d) Green, clean and safe town
e) Regeneration and Development for the benefit of all residents to create a vibrant town
f) Social inclusiveness and preventing social isolation

The Grants Process

To apply for a Town Council grant you must be a charity, community group* or local voluntary organisation operating or providing a service to the community in Ilfracombe.

All funding requests must use our application form and applicants should provide all information requested. Applications
will need to reach the Proper Officer by 28th February, with any successful resulting payment made
early in the new financial year (i.e. May).

*The Town Council defines a community or voluntary group as a non-profit making organisation, set up and run by a voluntary, unpaid management committee.

Ilfracombe Town Council will not fund the following:

a) Organisations that do not provide a service to the community in Ilfracombe
b) Individuals
c) General appeals
d) Day to day running costs
e) Statutory organisations or the direct replacement of statutory funding
f) Political groups or activities promoting political beliefs
g) Churches where the grant is to be used for the repair of the church or the day to day management of the church facilities. Any religious groups where        funding is to be used to promote religious beliefs
h) Arts & sports projects with no community or charitable element
i) Projects that may take place before an application can be decided
j) Organisations that have a closed or restricted membership.
k) Organisations whose activities focus on providing or supporting services overseas

How the applications are assessed:

Ilfracombe Town Council uses the following criteria to assess and decide on grant applications:
a) Whether the group/project has followed our grants process and meets our requirements and grant giving policy
b) Level of benefit to Ilfracombe and the impact the grant will make
c) Evidence of a well-managed group including previous experience and track record including financial sustainability and viability of group and/or project
d) Evidence of partnership working
e) Details that funding has been obtained from other sources in last 2 years.
f) Details that funding is actively being sought from other sources.
g) Whether the funding sought is realistic in relation to the applicants’ financial resources.

Each application will be assessed on its own merits. However, to ensure as fair a distribution as possible of available funds, the Council will take into account the amount and frequency of any previous awards. Due account may also be taken of the extent to which funding has been sought or secured from other sources or fund raising activities.

Monitoring and reporting requirements:

Grant funding is made by Ilfracombe Town Council in accordance with the statutory powers invested in it by Law. All received applications will be assessed by the Grant Group who will make recommendations to the Finance and General Purpose committee with the Proper Officer in attendance, prior to recommendations being made to Full Council for approval. Payments made to successful applicants will be made in May.

Successful groups are expected to provide Ilfracombe Town Council with written evidence of what the money has been spent on and the benefit it has brought to the people of Ilfracombe. Such evidence of how the money has been spent should include copies of invoices and receipts, plus attendance numbers, photos, press clippings, etc. where applicable. Failure to provide evidence of the expenditure of the grant money will entitle Ilfracombe Town Council to request the return of these public funds.


All applications will need to reach Ilfracombe Town Council by 28th February.

March to April– Grant Group to discuss and make recommendations to Finance & General purpose

April – Recommendations from F&GP to be made to, and decided upon, by the Full Council Meeting of Ilfracombe Town Council.

May: Payment of Grants made to approved applicants.

2025 Grant Applications  – Now Open


Subject to funding being available, Ilfracombe Town Council is committed to providing assistance and support to local community groups which are set up to promote community life for Ilfracombe residents.

The Council’s financial support is provided by way of Grants which are decided against criteria set by, and which can be amended from time to time by, Ilfracombe Town Council.

Ilfracombe Town Council is committed to following best practice in grant giving in order to provide sustainable funding and support to voluntary and community groups, whilst providing value for money for local taxpayers and ensuring that public money is spent in a responsible manner. In order
for this Council to be able to assess applications rationally and objectively, many of which will inevitably be totally dissimilar in content, it is both necessary and helpful to assess all applications received against a range of criteria.

These are designed to be a general indication of need but are not exclusive and can be flexibly applied. The Town Council’s Policy on Community Grants is based on the principle of promoting the development of partnerships, which encourage and enable local community organisations to deliver local projects to the residents of Ilfracombe.

In general, the following principles apply:

  • Assistance will be given on the basis of need, merit and contribution to the local community
  • Applicants must clearly show how any assistance given will benefit the people living in Ilfracombe
    or will benefit the environment of Ilfracombe
  • Any assistance given will be subject to ongoing monitoring and subsequent evaluation of the
    outcome of the grant
  • Organisations should not make a presumption that funding will continue on a year to year basis

The Aims of the Council

Ilfracombe Town Council provides grant funding to support the following aims:

To Promote and Encourage Pride in Ilfracombe through:
a) Active citizenship
b) Community Involvement
c) Fostering local talent and skills
d) Green, clean and safe town
e) Regeneration and Development for the benefit of all residents to create a vibrant town
f) Social inclusiveness and preventing social isolation

The Grants Process

To apply for a Town Council grant you must be a charity, community group* or local voluntary organisation operating or providing a service to the community in Ilfracombe.

All funding requests must use our application form and applicants should provide all information requested. Applications
will need to reach the Proper Officer by 28th February, with any successful resulting payment made
early in the new financial year (i.e. May).

*The Town Council defines a community or voluntary group as a non-profit making organisation, set up and run by a voluntary, unpaid management committee.

Ilfracombe Town Council will not fund the following:

a) Organisations that do not provide a service to the community in Ilfracombe
b) Individuals
c) General appeals
d) Day to day running costs
e) Statutory organisations or the direct replacement of statutory funding
f) Political groups or activities promoting political beliefs
g) Churches where the grant is to be used for the repair of the church or the day to day management of the church facilities. Any religious groups where        funding is to be used to promote religious beliefs
h) Arts & sports projects with no community or charitable element
i) Projects that may take place before an application can be decided
j) Organisations that have a closed or restricted membership.
k) Organisations whose activities focus on providing or supporting services overseas

How the applications are assessed:

Ilfracombe Town Council uses the following criteria to assess and decide on grant applications:
a) Whether the group/project has followed our grants process and meets our requirements and grant giving policy
b) Level of benefit to Ilfracombe and the impact the grant will make
c) Evidence of a well-managed group including previous experience and track record including financial sustainability and viability of group and/or project
d) Evidence of partnership working
e) Details that funding has been obtained from other sources in last 2 years.
f) Details that funding is actively being sought from other sources.
g) Whether the funding sought is realistic in relation to the applicants’ financial resources.

Each application will be assessed on its own merits. However, to ensure as fair a distribution as possible of available funds, the Council will take into account the amount and frequency of any previous awards. Due account may also be taken of the extent to which funding has been sought or secured from other sources or fund raising activities.

Monitoring and reporting requirements:

Grant funding is made by Ilfracombe Town Council in accordance with the statutory powers invested in it by Law. All received applications will be assessed by the Grant Group who will make recommendations to the Finance and General Purpose committee with the Proper Officer in attendance, prior to recommendations being made to Full Council for approval. Payments made to successful applicants will be made in May.

Successful groups are expected to provide Ilfracombe Town Council with written evidence of what the money has been spent on and the benefit it has brought to the people of Ilfracombe. Such evidence of how the money has been spent should include copies of invoices and receipts, plus attendance numbers, photos, press clippings, etc. where applicable. Failure to provide evidence of the expenditure of the grant money will entitle Ilfracombe Town Council to request the return of these public funds.


All applications will need to reach Ilfracombe Town Council by 28th February.

March to April– Grant Group to discuss and make recommendations to Finance & General purpose

April – Recommendations from F&GP to be made to, and decided upon, by the Full Council Meeting of Ilfracombe Town Council.

May: Payment of Grants made to approved applicants.