Annual Town Meeting 2024
The Annual Town Meeting 2024 took place at The Lantern on 27th March 2024.
Mayor of Ilfracombe – Annual Report 2024
Chair of Finance & General Purpose Committee – Annual Report 2024
Chair of Planning Committee – Annual Report 2024
Chair of Staffing Committee – Annual Report 2024
Ilfracombe Police Statement – Sgt Malc Kirk Devon & Cornwall Police
The following questions were either asked during the two sessions on 27th March, submitted online or raised at a recent Ilfracombe & District Business & Tourism Association networking event. The answers are correct as at 18th April 2024.
The answer can be revealed by clicking on the question.
If you require a hard copy of these Q&As please contact 01271 855300 or pop into the Ilfracombe Centre Tues-Fri 0900-1300 & 1400-1700.
Thank you to all those groups and organisations who took part and to those members of our community who took the time to attend.
A: Speeding vehicles are a Police matter, areas that experience a large number of speeding vehicles should be reported so that these areas are highlighted to them.
There are numerous way to do this:
At the newly opened front office of Ilfracombe Police Station.
Call 101 for non-emergency enquiries · Report online on the Devon & Cornwall Police website which can be accessed by clicking here
Operation Snap – a secure online facility which allows submissions of video and photographic evidence relating to driving incidents that members of the public have witnessed. Click HERE to link to the Operation SNAP page on the Devon & Cornwall Police website.
By using Ilfracombe Report It!
A: This will be raised with DCC Highways at the next One Ilfracombe Town Team meeting, especially in relation to where the new playground has been built. The Quay Road area has recently been the subject of many studies and proposals so it is highly unlikely that any changes will be made here in the near future.
A: This is certainly an issue that needs addressing, however, it is out of our remit. Devon County Council unblock the drains every 1-3 years depending on location so the best action we can take is to continue reporting the drains which are blocked to make DCC aware.
According to the DCC website the drains in this specific question were last inspected on 26th June 2023 and have a maintenance frequency of annually.
Issues with drains can be reported directly on the Devon County Council website or by using Ilfracombe Report It!
A: This issue has been raised with Devon County Council through Ilfracombe Report It! and the One Ilfracombe Town Team. The latest update is that the French drain in the area which is supposed to deal with the rain water run-off is not fit for purpose hence the extensive run off into the road. Work to rectify this has been programmed in by DCC to take place between April 2024 – April 2025.
A: An additional £6m+ has been given to Devon County Council from central government to address this issue (40,250 reported potholes in Devon April 23 – Jan 24) however, DCC have a lack of manpower and resources to be able to repair these potholes as quickly as they appear.
The reporting of potholes is actively encouraged. This can be done directly on the DCC website or by using Ilfracombe Report It!
We are pushing hard for resurfacing to take place on the High St (particularly in the area near Turtons) as soon as possible and resurfacing is planned in for St James’ Place and Ropery Road area on 27th April with an area of Watermouth Road also scheduled in April 24 – April 25.
A: The area at Marlborough Road that has been coned off for an extended period of time is due to a dispute over land ownership following the collapse of a wall. This is currently in the hands of the legal team at Devon County Council.
We are not aware of the Slade Road specifics.
A: This closure is currently under discussion with Devon County Council Highways/Development Team and the Developer. We are hopeful that the closure won’t be as long as originally planned.
A: Please see link below to North Devon Council Empty Homes Strategy, this focuses on partnering with property owners to understand the reasons why their property is empty and subsequently see what support they can provide to get the properties sold or lived in:
The only way to prevent new builds from being sold as second homes would be to implement a neighbourhood plan which places a restriction condition that all new builds in a neighbourhood must be primary residence.
Regarding Air BnBs, the Government want to introduce two measures. These are a mandatory national registration scheme for short term let’s (ie a register of short term let’s in an area) and a change in planning law to create a new ‘use class’, for short term, let’s not used as sole or main home.
People can reply to the consultation on this through the link below:
A: This is a major concern across the region and especially for ITC with the Environment Agency downgrading the water quality at Hele Beach.
The Proper Officer and a member of the ITC Project Team have recently met with North Devon Council Officers to work on how we can assist locally in preventing further escalation of this particular issue.
Ultimately NDC will retain the lead in working with South West Water and the EA, whilst ITC through community engagement with local community groups will play a part in the monitoring process which could have a positive impact on the readings recorded by the EA.
A further onsite meeting at Hele Beach is taking place between ITC staff, local residents and a senior environment monitoring officer from the EA at the end of April. Outcomes from this meeting will provide information for future reports to both SWW and our local MP.
A: The run-down properties along Wilder Road undoubtedly impact the impression of Ilfracombe for visitors and residents alike. One of the challenges in addressing this issue is that most of these properties are privately owned, limiting the options available to ITC and making it hard to improve the appearance of these areas.
There are minimal options available to tackle this issue such as Section 215 Orders. These orders can be utilised to address neglected properties if they are reported enough by both officials and the public by ordering the property owner to take action to remedy the appearance of land if it is affecting the amenity of the area.
We would encourage the use of Ilfracombe Report It! to make these reports.
This issue will also be included on the agenda at the next One Ilfracombe Town team meeting.
A: Unfortunately, Roads and Highways are Devon County Council’s remit so we can’t do much apart from report areas where dangerous parking continuously takes place. With the summer charges now in force, hopefully this will make a difference to where people are choosing to park.
We would suggest using Ilfracombe Report It! and specific issues will be raised with DCC on your behalf.
A: North Devon Council are responsible for refuse collection. This issue will be raised at the next One Ilfracombe Town Team meeting with NDC.
A: This will be on the agenda for discussion at the next One Ilfracombe Town team meeting
A: Ilfracombe has a relatively small natural catchment area, halved in size from a typical town by the sea. Barnstaple High Street, which is NDC’s preferred ‘sub regional centre’ struggles to fill vacant units, so the problem is worse over here.
However, not all is lost. Some places make a success of niche marketing. For example, South Molton is awash with antique shops, and people will travel distance to choose from a range of niche antique products.
There is an opportunity to do something similar to Ilfracombe with art as the focus. Discussions have been held with a local artist about training sessions, and meetings were held with culture ministers to see what help if any could be provided.
In the shorter term, we need to ensure our High St is capable of supplying basic needs, or at least basic needs that Tesco or Lidl choose not to supply. As examples, electrical goods and shoes are two glaring omissions. Anyone wanting either of the above is forced to go to Barnstaple, and whilst there is likely to fill other less unique needs?
A: Ilfracombe has a relatively small natural catchment area, halved in size from a typical town by the sea. Barnstaple High Street, which is NDC’s preferred ‘sub regional centre’ struggles to fill vacant units, so the problem is worse over here.
However, not all is lost. Some places make a success of niche marketing. For example, South Molton is awash with antique shops, and people will travel distance to choose from a range of niche antique products.
There is an opportunity to do something similar to Ilfracombe with art as the focus. Discussions have been held with a local artist about training sessions, and meetings were held with culture ministers to see what help if any could be provided.
In the shorter term, we need to ensure our High St is capable of supplying basic needs, or at least basic needs that Tesco or Lidl choose not to supply. As examples, electrical goods and shoes are two glaring omissions. Anyone wanting either of the above is forced to go to Barnstaple, and whilst there is likely to fill other less unique needs?
A: The role of the IRB is to steer the development of regeneration plans, and oversee the implementation of a program of projects. There is a vision to improve the prosperity and wellbeing as far as possible.
Obviously, this is very much steered by decisions made at a higher level, whether that be local or national government. As an example, decent housing has been identified as a priority above the shops, so a plan has gone to government to try and gain funding for this aspect of work. Public realm is important, and both NDC and ITC have shop front regeneration plans where property owners can get up to £2,000 to improve the appearance of their shop.
Smaller schemes are under discussion, such as small raised flowerbeds with integral seating. In the longer term, it would be ideal to establish an anchor store in the High Street, but this is likely to be difficult when regional centres such as Barnstaple are losing retailers.
Longer term, professional advice is likely to be needed, and it is likely there will be a switch to a more interactive High St. There have been discussions about moving some attractions to the town centre, but in a chicken and egg fashion, it is difficult to gain traction for such schemes until a decent footfall has been established.
A: The relationship has evolved since the start of One Ilfracombe (Est: 2013) although the main role of OI is the delivery arm of the Town Council for projects and activities.
The Town Council has supported OI with employees and office space, and continues to do so. It also employs staff on behalf of OI and in some cases has provided IT services. This is because ITC has efficient and low cost provision for doing this. OI pays for these services and provides a hosting fee (of which ITC had an additional income of £56k).
There is a number of reasons why OI is better placed to do this than a traditional town council –
OI is able to attract a far wider range of funding sources. This has been demonstrated in the 11 years since the start of the project.
Many local agencies (councils) continue to work in silos only focused on their agendas. OI continues to demonstrate successful working relationships focused on town issues. The Town Team is an excellent example of this relationship.
- OI is able to work around political agendas. We’ve discovered that businesses in particular prefer working with OI rather than politically driven Town Councils.
- OI is now providing well-being services within the town. The ability to run this contact and provide these services has come from the longer term development of social prescribing developed by OI in conjunction with our partners. Without this long term knowledge and partnership working the level of well-being / social prescribing would not be what it is in the town. Based on this contract we’ve continued to expand this work to meet the needs of the community – this wouldn’t be able to happen if OI wasn’t in place. Ultimately this helps to far increase our delivery of the towns Strategic Plan.
- OI has secured NHS project bringing funding and pilot projects to the town. Something we’d not be able to achieve if OI wasn’t in place.
- Agencies we work with love the set up and governance. Because they are on the board or are partners within the organisation they feel they have voice and structure to be able to deliver projects within the town within partnership.
- OI provide the town and town council with a much louder voice
- We had the first community developer in North Devon – enabling the town to deliver more.
- OI has delivered so many successful projects for the town – Town Team, Living Well, Social Prescribing, considerable funds for local causes like Belle’s Place
A: The plaques were stolen with the intention to sell the metal, an officer from One Ilfracombe was in contact with Ilfracombe Police immediately which resulted in their officers locating and subsequently arresting the men at a local scrapyard.
ITC have had the plaques returned however, they are damaged which mean they cannot be replaced as they are. ITC are actively looking into options for potential alternative materials to recreate the plaques. This will be done for Remembrance Day. Cllr D Turton also noted that names were missed off the original plaques, these names have now been obtained from Ilfracombe Museum and will be added to the new design. As there is an insurance claim involved there is likely to be an excess cost to ITC.
A: Restarting the Ilfracombe Works project could be a good way to bridge the gap between youth groups and businesses in the town. Career-based education through events and schemes can provide valuable opportunities for young people to gain skills and experience while also benefiting local businesses. A local gym owner explained that he will be starting up free community youth sessions at his gym which could be incorporated into this. Cllr D Turton will try and organise a meeting to discuss how this could work going forward.
A: A representative of the IBTA responded to this explaining that negotiations with ITC, NDC and lease holders are still taking place to see where and how the future of the service will be provided. That is the only update that can be made for now.
A: The Devon Bay Hotel is a complicated case as the previous owners split the hotel and sold rooms individually which has now left the hotel extremely difficult to sell/be restored, meaning there is not much ITC can do about this.
The situation with Harleigh House is unclear, however, sites like this can be reported to NDC by ITC in order to apply a Section 215 to the sites which will mean owners have a duty to clean the site up to an improved standard.
This can be done by using Ilfracombe Report It!
A: ITC staff will investigate which benches are broken with a view to either fixing in house or reporting to NDC for repair/replacement.
If individuals notice damaged street furniture this can be reported using Ilfracombe Report It!
Below is taken from One Ilfracombe Town Team meeting notes 24th Jan 2024
“Telescopes – Issue Resolved – Having been an agenda item since July 2023 we remain unable to locate anyone who “owns” the telescopes. Due to the fact that they are no longer operational, that they pose a Health and Safety Risk and they look awful the decision has been made to remove the telescopes. ITC will undertake this task and store the telescopes should an “owner” come forward to claim them until such time as this is highly unlikely, when the decision to sell for scrap or refurbish will be explored.”
The physical task of removing the telescopes will take place as soon as practical.
A: Following joint working between NDC, ITC and the One Ilfracombe Town Team, the old metal pedestal bins, primarily along Wilder Road, Fore Street and on the High Street, are gradually being replaced.
The bin at the skate park is a separate issue with it having been removed due to persistent vandalism including it being set on fire on numerous occasions.
Recognising that some sort of refuse collection is required in that area the One Ilfracombe Town Team are working with NDC to find a solution.
A: Issues with bins such as missed collections can either be reported directly to NDC online or via the phone on 01271 327711. Alternatively, you can get in contact via Ilfracombe Report It! and ITC staff will report it on your behalf.
A: ITC don’t have a policy on this as it is out of a Town Councils remit, in that it is dealt with by Central Government. Cllr Elliot added that some areas, such as Cornwall, are able to introduce a restriction condition that all new builds in a neighbourhood must be primary residence but this can only be done if the area has a Neighbourhood Plan which ITC does not currently have.
In addition to the above please see the link below to North Devon Council Empty Homes Strategy, this focuses on partnering with property owners to understand the reasons why their property is empty and subsequently see what support they can provide to get the properties sold or lived in:
The only way to prevent new builds from being sold as second homes would be to implement a neighbourhood plan which places a restriction condition that all new builds in a neighbourhood must be primary residence.
Regarding Air BnBs, the Government want to introduce two measures. These are a mandatory national registration scheme for short term let’s (ie a register of short term let’s in an area) and a change in planning law to create a new ‘use class’, for short term, let’s not used as sole or main home.
People can reply to the consultation on this through the link below:
A: The current owners had the site up for sale but hoped they would have received more than what was offered which has led to a standstill on the site. This, similar to other neglected sites, could be reported and a Section 215 subsequently requested.
The repainting of the hoarding is planned to be undertaken by the Fore St Association with paint being paid for by One Ilfracombe however ,with volunteers being thin on the ground keep an eye on our socials for opportunities to get involved in painting.
A: Cllr Crabb has been trying to contact the owners, the last communication was that works were supposed to commence in May 2023 but this has continuously been delayed so an exact start date is unknown. Cllr Crabb is currently working with DCC to get the fencing pushed back to open up the spaces on the road that have been blocked off whilst no work is currently being done.
A: Cllr Coates explained that the developers are currently working on demolishing the extensions to the old hotel. Once this phase is complete, the core part of building will be rebuilt approximately 1.5 metres in and will become 16 apartments. It’s promising to hear that the National Trust should be taking ownership of the car park and cafe and they will be responsible for building these. Until the new car park is built there will be minimal parking at the bay. Visitors are advised to use the alternative car parking next to the village hall. This addition could be a significant asset to the village, providing both amenities and potentially enhancing the local area.
A: The apartments will not be recognized as affordable housing. However, it’s positive to hear that the developers will be making a donation of £35,000 towards the maintenance and upkeep of the Lee Bay toilets, which will benefit the community. As for whether the site will generate work for local people, there is likely to be some loyal employment for gardeners, cleaners, maintenance as well as in the café etc once development is complete.
A: This issue has already been addressed with NDC, they will either be replacing the current bin with a bigger one or putting another bin in so that there are two in the car park to address the problem.
A: The outcome of the bin audit was the purchase of new bins by NDC to replace those identified as being in the worse condition.
A: It’s understandable that such an increase can be concerning, especially when neighbouring towns may have experienced decreases or more modest increases in rates. Please also bear in mind that this 36% increase is only on the ITC element of Council Tax and not a 36% rise in the total of Council Tax to be paid.
Regarding the suggestion to use revenue from Ropery Road Car Park to subsidise the rate increase, it’s essential to consider that finances operate within a complex framework with various revenue streams allocated to different purposes/ budgets. While using revenue from the car park to offset Council Tax may seem logical on the surface, there are still large expenses that come alongside the Car Park such as the £1 million loan that ITC took out to purchase the site which is still currently being paid off.
There will also be a considerable capital expense for the Public Convenience doors as well as ensuring they are at a safe and acceptable standard for community use.
It must also be taken into account that a new staff member will need to be employed to facilitate the cleaning and upkeep of the toilets alongside the purchase and running costs of an additional ITC vehicle.
Although the rates are higher this year due to the precept, if ITC have over budgeted then there is still a chance that these rates could decrease in future.
A: Regarding the improvement of railings along the sea front during the Spring Clean 2024, ITC offered to help on this occasion. However, it’s important to clarify responsibilities and boundaries. While the ITC team expressed willingness to help improve the railings, we want to make sure they’re not taking on all tasks that fall under NDC’s responsibility. The pavements, for example, are under the jurisdiction of DCC, so the ITC team wouldn’t be able to get involved in that aspect. It’s crucial to maintain clear communication and delineate roles and responsibilities to ensure effective collaboration.
Individuals are encouraged to use Ilfracombe Report It! so that this type of issue is officially recorded and where appropriate raised with the One Ilfracombe Town Team.
A: In short, no, in the extreme it could be classed as vandalism if you painted it without permission even if you have the right intentions, although the larger concern is associated with the potential injury risks of painting so close to a highway . The best way to go about it is to contact ITC via Ilfracombe Report It! so that we can arrange an assessment and potential plan of work.
The One Ilfracombe Town Team meet regularly to discuss items like this with NDC, DCC and the Police.
A: The Dotto Train was the beginning of this initiative, however, the Ilfracombe Community Transport Association are looking into providing their own Hop on Hop off service which will include travelling down to the Sea Front, up the High Street as well as to the supermarkets.
ITC would be more than happy to work with the ICTA on exploring the potential of what sounds like a promising project.
A: Those issues that can be addressed quickly with the minimum of fuss and resources will be.
Others are likely to be agenda items at the next ITC Committee meetings and at the One Ilfracombe Town Team.
It is also intended that a forum will be put together to address all the points raised at this meeting to establish a focus on what Ilfracombe Town Council and One Ilfracombe can deliver “in house” and which areas need passing onto other authorities.
A: If the individual has capacity, they have the right to make their own choices and decisions, including where they reside and how they spend their time.
Residential care homes do have a responsibility to ensure the well-being and safety of their residents, which may involve providing support and assistance while still respecting their autonomy.
This means allowing residents to exercise their free will to the extent possible, unless there are clear risks to their safety or the safety of others.
A: A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) has been in place in Ilfracombe since 1st January 2024 and covers the area illustrated. See full details by clicking here
As pointed out by Ilfracombe Police the moving on of these individuals simply results in drinking elsewhere. As a deterrent is does not appear to work. This is why One Ilfracombe continues to commit considerable resources to Belle’s Place to provide a drink free, safe, non-judgemental environment for some of the regular street drinkers.
A: Despite extensive efforts in trying to get a Banking Hub in Ilfracombe, the response received assessed that Ilfracombe was considered a low priority compared to other areas. This is unfortunate however if anything changes in the future than this will be a key priority for ITC.
A. Transport is something being looked at by the Ilfracombe Regeneration Board with the issue relating to National Express being discussed at the last meeting.
The current situation is that North Devon Council are attempting to open a dialogue with National Express, to date this has not been successful however it will be raised again at the next IRB meeting. The same applies to MegaBus
A. This has been previously investigated but with the High Street being an A road it was not something that is a simple quick fix due to there being limited options to divert traffic elsewhere.
A. Ilfracombe Town Council and our limited resources regularly undertake work on the High Street and at other areas of the town that are the responsibility of bot North Devon Council and Devon County Council. These are more often or not areas that are raised via Ilfracombe Report It! or at the One Ilfracombe Town Team.
NDC also have a team that follows an agreed and scheduled programme of works that involves cleaning the pavements. The pavements are swept daily by this team with the scarab driver focusing on specific grot spots. On the majority of waste collection days an individual follows the truck on foot to sweep any missed/spilled rubbish into the path of the scarab.
If you notice any specific “Grot Spots” or issues please use Ilfracombe Report It! – Images are always most welcome.
ITC also have a full time Hygiene Operative and several ITC volunteers, including Peter Joyce who is on the High Street daily.
In relation to High Street furniture, the Ilfracombe in Bloom and Gardening Group have been working in Victoria Place and have done a great job there. Encouraging groups and potentially businesses to adopt and maintain certain areas is something we are very keen to encourage, offering assistance where we can.
Please report and provide images of specific street furniture that needs some attention via Ilfracombe Report It!
All the old blue pedestal bins are scheduled in to be replaced by NDC.
In relation to scaffolding this is something that will be raised at the next One Ilfracombe Town Team with licenses for scaffolding being issued by Devon County Council.
A. Rubbish – Ilfracombe Town Council and our limited resources regularly undertake work on the High Street and at other areas of the town that are the responsibility of both North Devon Council and Devon County Council. These are more often or not areas that are raised via Ilfracombe Report It! or at the One Ilfracombe Town Team.
NDC also have a team that follows an agreed programme of works that involves cleaning the pavements. The pavements are swept daily by this team with the scarab driver focusing on specific grot spots. On the majority of waste collection days an individual follows the truck on foot to sweep any missed/spilled rubbish into the path of the scarab.
If you notice any specific “Grot Spots” or issues please use Ilfracombe Report It! Images are always most welcome.
ITC also have a Hygiene Operative and several ITC volunteers, including Peter Joyce who is on the High Street daily.
Gull Guard bags are also available for use and can be collected from the Ilfracombe Centre. These are not just for preventing gulls getting at rubbish but also for preventing household rubbish blowing around the High St or other areas.
Dog Fouling – The issue relating to dog fouling is one we are actively working on with the NDC Neighbourhood Team. It is an ongoing issue across the town that despite educational material and increased signage and the new dog related PSPOs remains problematic. If you do experience repeat “offenders” please use Ilfracombe Report It!
Street drinking – A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) has been in place in Ilfracombe since 1st January 2024 and covers the area illustrated. See full details by clicking here . It is hoped that the presence of the Street Marshalls will also see a reduction in street drinking.
A. Ilfracombe Town Council and our limited resources regularly undertake work on the High Street and at other areas of the town that are the responsibility of both North Devon Council and Devon County Council. These are more often or not areas that are raised via Ilfracombe Report It! or at the One Ilfracombe Town Team. As you can see from the before and after images the ITC Team are actively out there.
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NDC also have a team that follows an agreed programme of works that involves cleaning the pavements. The pavements are swept on a rota system by this team with the scarab driver focusing on specific grot spots where it can gain access. On the majority of waste collection days along the High Street an individual follows the truck on foot to sweep any missed/spilled rubbish into the path of the scarab.
If you notice any specific “Grot Spots” or issues please use Ilfracombe Report It! Images are always most welcome.
ITC also have a Hygiene Operative and several ITC volunteers, including Peter Joyce who is on the High Street daily.
Gull Guard bags are also available for use and can be collected from the Ilfracombe Centre. These are not just for preventing gulls getting at rubbish but also for preventing household rubbish blowing around the High St or other areas.
A. In December 2022 North Devon Council announced that due to budget constraints they would no longer be providing Public Toilets across the district, with phased transfers or closures taking place from 1st April 2023.
Like the many other Parish and Town Councils across the district that rely on tourism, ITC were forced into making the decision that they would have to take on what is a considerable financial commitment to keep our public toilets open.
Part of this commitment includes a new bus shelter with toilets (NDC Funded) that will be built at the East end of the Victoria Pleasure Grounds (opposite Wetherspoon). Planning for this was approved on 21st March 2024. A date for commencement of work is not known but funding has been secured by NDC.
The funding for the new toilets came from NDC as a response to Ilfracombe not having enough Public Conveniences in that area and the funding for the playground came from 106 funding following numerous requests for more child orientated activities. They are both part of the Ilfracombe Seafront Masterplan.
If funding could be sourced, in relation to the High Street, what similar types of projects would you like to see the money spent on? Any suggestions most welcome to
A. Fees
Car park prices are set by the relevant Councils shown below, hence a difference in fees is agreed by their respective Finance Committees to comply with their latest budgetary requirements.
DCC are responsible for all on-street parking in Devon
NDC are responsible for all local car parks with the exception of the below and those that are privately owned.
ITC are responsible for Ropery Road Car Park and the permit system that operates at Cheyne Car Park.
Note – Sundays are FREE in Hele and Hillsborough car parks.
Car Parking Signage
If details of the “inconsistent confusing directional parking signage around town” are submitted to Ilfracombe Report It! these issues will be discussed with DCC Highways at the next One Ilfracombe Town Team meeting.
Electronic Signage
This has been investigated in the past. Most recently as an element of a project to address traffic issues on Quay Road. This was shelved due to infrastructure and cost issues.
A. Cllr Crabb has been trying to contact the owners, the last communication was that works were supposed to commence in May 2023 but this has continuously been delayed so an exact start date is unknown. Cllr Crabb is currently working with DCC to get the fencing pushed back to open up the spaces on the road that have been blocked off whilst no work is currently being done.
Representatives from the developers/Premier Inn have been invited to attend the next Ilfracombe Regeneration Board Meeting.
We are not currently aware of any residents parking permit system being established in this area by Devon County Council.
A. The walls and roof of the Market Arches are privately owned however, ITC have previously cleaned and painted this area (12 months ago) and commissioned the art work.
The area is also on the weekly cleaning schedule of North Devon Council and the ITC Hygiene Operative and our Volunteers also regularly clean this area, which includes using a portable jet wash. A team from NDC were last onsite and cleaning 16th April 2024.
The potential to use this as a regular market space is also being discussed.
This areas also falls within the Public Space Protection Order for Ilfracombe which gives the returning Street Marshalls and the Police the authority to confiscate alcohol and to move on any problem drinkers.
It is also worth noting that simply moving people on from one space to another is not an ideal solution which is why One Ilfracombe remains the primary backer for Belle’s Place, which continues to provide free meals and shelter as a viable alternative to spending time under the arches.
As for the Police element of this question please see the statement at the top of this webpage.
A. This will be passed onto Ilfracombe NDC Councillors.
A. Mid March is the earliest possible date that the Easter holiday period could commence.
A. You can already park for free for 30 minutes
A. North Devon Council recently went out to external H&S legal advice after receiving the Royal Life Saving Society report to fully clarify liability as an asset owner. This advice has now been received and they are working on the further mitigation measures highlighted in the advice notice. Once complete, with funding in place, work can then commence. Further details will be promulgated when known.
A. This has been tried on numerous occasions however the stumbling block has always been gaining the permission of the owners of these premises.
If organisations such as the IBTA could gain the necessary permissions then One Ilfracombe could work with its partners to make this happen.
ITC has been pushing the North Devon Town Centre Enhancement Scheme since July 2023. There has been some take up in Ilfracombe and the scheme is still open.
Details at
This will be raised at the next One Ilfracombe Town Team meeting as to what powers NDC have to enforce this.
A. The majority of signage in the town is owned and maintained by Devon County Council. When the general appearance of these signs is below par this is raised at the One Ilfracombe Town Team although unless it is deemed a road safety issue this is not a priority for DCC.
The finger post signs are owned by ITC who are aware that some of these have not coped well with our coastal environment. This matter is gradually being addressed.
If details of specific signs (with images if possible) are submitted to Ilfracombe Report It! these will be investigated at the next One Ilfracombe Town Team meeting.
A report was delivered by Ilfracombe Police at the Annual Town Meeting on 17th March.
Excerpt relevant to the question is below:
We placed key NHT resources into the local community events, including the Maritime Festival, Barum Boxing Cup event and other events across the year to deter and prevent and any ASB or crime related incidents.
The PEO / front office opening of Ilfracombe PS, will provide a significant boost to the local community and residents across North Devon in their ability to liaise and speak with their local policing team, as well as assist any other queries or concerns.
We have secured the Youth Assertive outreach team for some of the Easter holidays, May Half term and summer if need continues. Assertive Outreach is a project designed to encourage young people away from Antisocial behaviour through engagement in Street Based Youth Work (SBYW).
In addition to this, a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) has been in place in Ilfracombe since 1st January 2024. See details here
A. This has been previously trialled but was a failure in so much as the buses that did run were more often than not empty and that people remained intent on parking as close to their intended destination as possible. It is also likely that any investment in a park and ride scheme would ultimately result in a further rise in Council Tax.
A. The primary purpose of the Ilfracombe Watersports Hub is to provide a new home for three local watersports clubs, Ilfracombe Gig Club, Y-Sail and Ilfracombe Canoe Club. This new facility will allow them to extend their memberships to the wider community and offer taster events to local residents and visitors.
Another important aim is to provide a site which can be used by the wider community, enabling the public and organised groups to pre-book watersports activities through three approved local activity providers, currently – Coastal Swim Coaching, Active Escape and H2Outdoors
The hub also provides FREE use of the public slipway, access to the external cold shower facilities and to the Lime Kiln Cafe. The public slipway is NOT to be used by any powered craft or by swimmers unless the latter are taking part in a pre-booked session with Coastal Swim Coaching.
Both the Town Council and One Ilfracombe Project teams work closely with the Harbourmaster and future funded projects using this wonderful town asset are being considered.
We would be happy to undertake some partnership working with IBTA members at the One Ilfracombe Town Team to identify additional spaces where street furniture could be sited. Funding options can then be explored.
This issue was also raised at the last Ilfracombe Regeneration Board meeting with a suggestion that raised flower beds with integral seating be placed on those areas of the High St where the pavement width permits. This is subject to funding.
Any current provision that is either damaged or no longer fit for purpose can be reported via Ilfracombe Report It!